For CSL users the user manuals located in the PDF directory of the install set have detailed user instructions for each application but the following are instructions for some of the more common requests. Click the PDF icon to open the document for information on the selected topic.
Licensing the Software
When the software is installed, it will run for 30-days as a trial version. When purchased, an access code for the number of stations will be provided. When entered, the software will be licensed for the number of stations ordered. Access code only need to be entered once and never expire regardless of the support status. Support is optional, but if continuous it includes FREE UPGRADES.
Configure CSRDS to run multiple stations
Metadata from multiple stations can be run from a single PC. Each station will run a separate instance of CSRDS with it’s own configuration capturing data from different sources, sending data to different devices with it’s own informational, promotional or commercial information.
Configuring CSRDS for a Remote/Satellite instance
When stations use different systems for different day parts we need to set one instance of CSRDS as Local and one or more other instances to pull information from another source based on a schedule. For Example the local automation is used for most of the day but we use WestWood One on some days and times.
Configuring CSRDS for CSPRM and Composer
Public Radio Stations using Composer or MetaPub will need to configure CSRDS to monitor the output from CSPRM (Public Radio Metadata from Metapub) and CSWeather configured for composer. While older versions required multiple instance of CSRDS the new versions will process metadata from the Local Automation system, CSPRM and Composer in a single instance.
Scheduling Messages
Using the CSScheduler module you can schedule any number of informational, promotional or commercial messages and images to display on the various data casting devices and services.
Schedule a Fixed Time/Duration Message
If the station is broadcasting a special program or event that airs on a specific day and time we can schedule a Fixed time message. On the scheduled day and time the message will be put in the display and held for the duration of the event. This eliminates the need to modify schedules for local or satellite programming as any input from these sources will be blocked during the event.
Configure CSRDS to post to Streaming or other services
If you need to send metadata from your automation system, satellite service or other input sources that cannot post directory to the service you can configure CSRDS to post the data to the stream or service via TCP/UDP,HTTP,HTTPS or as a URL post in the format they require.
Configure CSRDS to send Commercials for Stream Substitution
When streaming our station we may not want to stream our commercials and use the service to replace the live audio with an alternate audio feed. To do this the services needs to know when a commercial is playing but we do not want the spot metadata on any of our data casting devices or services.
Configure CSRDS to post to TuneIn
To post metadata TuneIn contact TuneIn to get your credentials then add them to the CSRDS configuration. Once entered CSRDS will post the info to TuneIn as it happens.
Configuring CSRDS to send Metadata to HD Radio
Posting metadata and images to HD Radio is performed by the iBiquity/HD Radio drivers which receive metadata from our CSRDS application. This document describes the CSRDS settings to send metadata to HD Radio. For stations posting images, you will need information from your hardware manufacturer for the JMSAC application and instructions for configuring JMSAC and your HD System
Configuring CSRDS to Send metadata to DTS Connected Radio and receive artist images
DTS Connected Radio is a free service to display the stations now playing information and images on the new DTS Hybrid receivers, As part of the free service DTS Connected Radio will provide artist images for use on the stations HD System, Web Site Stream, etc. If the station has assigned their own images or subscribe to a service such as Content Depot’s MetaPub or QUU these images will be sent to DTS Connected Radio for the Hybrid receiver.
Configure CSRDS for WO — Missing Songs
There is a known IP issue with Wide Orbit IP connections where the metadata comes in bursts resulting in broken datasets. This is more common when using the Stack Change option to send next events to pre-stage artwork but may happen on any WO IP feed. This is the information for the WO Workaround for this issue.
Configure CSRDS for the FMB80
When posting metadata to the FMB80 there are some settings we need to make on the FMB80 to provide CSRDS with rights, set the port and define the format.
Configure CSRDS for a Repeat, Delayed or Time Shifted Broadcast
If programming is being recorded during a live broadcast or just recorded broadcast at a later date time or on a different station we can configure CSL to capture the metadata during the live event and to send it during the later broadcast.
Configuring CSRDS to connect to Quu for images for HD Radio
Stations subscribing to QUU for artwork and campaigns will need to get the QUU Credentials and add them to the CSRDS Configuration.
Configure CSRDS for an FTP Upload
If required, CSRDS can be configured to upload a now playing file with the current information, a play list history with the last xx number of songs or both. CSRDS uses a user definable template to format the data but also includes several pre-defined formats. The CSRDS.XML template is a defulat template used by several developers while the CSRAS.TXT template can be used to upload now playing information from the host site for use by affiliate stations using CSRDS. For more on Templates check the CSRDS Template.PDF
Configuring Center Stage for Composer
NPR Stations using the Composer application can post the Composer metadata using the CSWeather module to capture the data and send it to CSRDS, To do this we configure an instance of CSWeather to capture the metadata based on the day parts composer will be used and set CSRDS to monitor the system for the CSWeather composer data.
Assigning Images for DTS Connected Radio and HD Radio
When using the Artist Experience we may be subscribed to DTS Connected Radio and/or Quu to provide images for our music events. We may also want to assign our own artwork to specific carts/cuts. This is done using the Image Editor in the CSScheduler module. The will allow us to assign our own artwork or if the song was not matched, to alter the artist/title name and search the subscribe service based on the new information. NOTE: This information is for searching only and does not replace the artist and title from the input source. That is changing CCR from the automation system to Credence Clearwater Revival will still show as CCR in the display and in the automation system.
Posting Messages from the Studio
Normally informational, promotional or commercial messages would be scheduled using the CSScheduler module but in some cases we want the on-air talent to post a quick message, This can be done using the CSLive paperless Studio application. CSLive is normally used to schedule live copy to the studio replacing hard copy books for Tags, Liners, PSA’s, Promo’s etc but has a special command to quickly post RDS Message and/or Alert to the data casting devices and services.
Assigning Station Logos for HD Radio and DTS Connected Radio
When posting information to an HD system you can assign an image file with the logo to the HD Station using the CSScheduler application. Logos have a specific file naming convention and MUST meet the HD image specification as a true jpg or png file, 170×170 to 200×200 pixels and 24kb or less with less being better as it will transfer to the receiver faster with fewer errors. Once you have created the logo file it can be checked using or in CSScheduler itself as you assign a logo to a specific HD Channel.
Configure CSRDS for a TCP/IP link
CSRDS can be configured to send metadata in a user definable format using a number of protocols, but the most common is a TCP/IP connection. This is done in the CSRDS — Tools — Properties — HD/IP Output tab. Using the configuration options to set the IP and port, any credentials required for the link and selecting the template. Sor streaming services several templates are pre-defined but templates can be created as required. (see CSRDS Templates)
Metadata Options for Automation system
CSRDS has support most of the major automation systems and several less used systems. When selecting a system we are really telling CSRDS how the metadata is formatted. Due to the number of systems on the market and the lack of standards, each system has it’s own method for outputting metadata and some have a user definable format which can be used to duplicate the format of another system or using the tags shown in this document to generate a generic metadata format.