The January 2018 update has been posted and ready for download. If you have an active support license run your CSUpdate program in the installation directory, or Click Here to download and install the latest Updater. For stations without an active support license contact your supplier or Arctic Palm Sales to activate your support license.

The Update Module will verify your support license, check for updates. If updates are available, the Updater will backup your existing version then download and install the latest updates.

Featured Updates in this Release

Center Stage Live

Data Casting with Center Stage Live
Data Casting: Posting Program Associated Data to RDS\RBDS Encoders, HD Radio, The Artist Experience, DAB/DRM, SlideShow, Web Sites, Streaming Services, Web Services such as TagStation/NextRadio, TuneIn, etc.

Public Radio Metadata

CSPRM has been updated for Metapub Version 2. This version includes several new features including:

Next Event metadata included in CSRDS feed to pre-stage artwork for next event while current event is Playing.

Program Name filtering for a better listener display. (1A instead of 1A 1100-1200)

Re-Send option to send CSRDS the current event as required for a restart or new schedule

Automatic Re-Send for long term programming. Some devices will use default messages should a new message not be received in a specified period. This will keep the current event in the display.

2 Day Schedule display. CSPRM will download, parse, sequence and list all available programming for the previous and current day. The Schedule view displays all programs with thier associated time in Easter Time. This time can be used to calculate the necessary time shift required for a given program.

The 2 day capture reduces the need to poll Metapub reducing the overhead on the local syatem as well as the MetaPub Servers

Available PRSS programming will automatically be added to the program List as they become available in MetaPub

CSPRM Metapub Version 1 Users:

Depending on your installation you may need to update your CSUpdate application to update to this version. To do so Click Here to download and install the latest updater. If requested, you will need to allow the CSUpdate installation and CSUpdate.exe application to run. To do so, Select “Run Anyway” when requested.

If you have 1A or Market Place in your schedule, modify the schedule to select 1A or Market Place without the times. Your scheduled times will select the correct events and the times will be eliminated from the display)


CSRDS has been update with several new features including:

PI Codes for Translators based on NRSC Translator code database.

Enter Translator call letters or search for code based on Station Call letters, Frequency, City, etc.

Improved processing for EAS Alerts and caller info updates from Call Screening

File copy process for Logos and Album art eliminating the need for an Artwork Staging directory. This will send artwork directly to an off-site JMSAC eliminating the need for a file mapping or UNC path to the artwork staging directory.


CSWeather have been updated with several new features including:

Faster Updating to Data Casting Devices and services for EAS alerts

The option to send Test Alerts to the Datacasting devices via CSRDS

Support for Green Salad

Support for Station PlayList

Additional fields for Composer metadata


CSScreener has been updated to send a “trigger” to CSRDS when new callers or contest winners have been posted. For Callers this will post thie first name and city as soon as the caller is out on-air. For contest winners the inform will be posted based on the delay set for the contest entry.