Paperless Studio
We have all heard of a paperless society where everything is available on a computer screen and we would never need to print a hardcopy version. I think we all agree that is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
However, printing can be hazardous to the environment. From the energy your printer uses, to the paper and ink your message is printed on, the printing choices you make can have a strong effect on the world around you. A discarded printer cartridge can take up to 450 years to decompose and with over 350 million cartridges thrown out every year, a mountain of e-waste is steadily forming throughout our nation’s landfills. A study by the University of Florida found that Discarded Cell Phones, Printers, and Keyboards May Be Hazardous Waste.
Luckily, printing green isn’t difficult and can even save you money. A few ways you can make sure you make environmentally friendly choices include recycling your paper, using soy-based ink, green papers, check the printer manufacture’s green policies and use a green printer but most of all, PRINT LESS.
I’m sure you do not have to look far to find a lot of paper used for a short period and then thrown out. Scripts, contest sheets, winner sheets, live copy books printed, used for a day or two and discarded. Even when recycled, we still incur all of the printing costs and environmental impact. At Arctic Palm, we have several inexpensive products for the electronic creation and distribution of information that will minimize or eliminate the need to print these documents.
Our Paperless Studio products are:
This package provides the station with an advanced scheduling module that electronically sends Live copy to the on-air studio for a live read replacing the Copy books and ensuring the right copy is in the right place at the right time.
One of the most paper intensive processes at the station is in contesting. Contest Sheets, Winner Sheets, release forms, etc all printed and manually distributed from promotions to on-air to reception. Multiple copies, changes, lost and hand written forms all add to the problem. Fortunately our CS Contest Management package can eliminate most if not all contest paper. Normally, we will keep the release form, but with the electronic signature pad even that gets eliminated.
Of course copy writing can also use a lot of paper. Print multiple copies of the script, take it back to production, change the script, re-print multiple copies, replace the pages in production and when the copy has been recorded, dump most if not all of the pages. Virtually all of this can be eliminated using our CS Copy Management package. Once the script is written, a click sends it to the client for approval, another click and it’s back in production with all of the latest changes automatically updated.