Due to the Tagstation/NextRadio announcement that TagStation will be going away we have issued a special November 2018 update which has been posted and ready for download via your CSUpdater module. If you have an active support license run your CSUpdate program in CSScheduler -> Tools-> Check for Updates or run the CSUpdate module he installation directory. If you have an older version Click Here to download and install the latest Updater. For stations without an active support license contact your supplier or Arctic Palm Sales to activate your support license.
The Update Module will verify your support license, check for updates. If updates are available, the Updater will backup your existing version then download and install the latest updates.
Featured Updates in this Release
Center Stage Live
Data Casting with Center Stage Live
Data Casting: Posting Program Associated Data to RDS\RBDS Encoders, HD Radio, The Artist Experience, DAB/DRM, SlideShow, Web Sites, Streaming Services, Web Services such as TagStation/NextRadio, TuneIn, etc.
A Capture Only option was added to capture MetaPub now playing information for use at a later date and time. When selected CSPRM will captrue and update the CSRDS Audit file with all events for the selected program and schedule. Using CSScheduler’s RAS function we can then schedule those events to be posted on a different station, date and time. For Example, a program that airs on Sundays at 5-7pm will be aired on Wednesday at 9am.
With Tagstation/Next Radio going away we have modified the artwork process to pull artwork from DTS Connected Radio. This will require stations to register with DST Connected Radio. To sign up for your DTS Connected Radio license click here.
For stations sending metadata to a streaming service and Futuri we have added a Futuri option. When selected, the metadta will be formatted based on the Futuri.XML template and posted via TCP/IP to the IP and Port specified as the BackUp IP. If desired, you may alter the Futuri.XML file for use in other devices or services but this XML file will be updated with each Live Updater update.
Due to come inconsistencies in the Alert formats we have modified the process to filter and limit the rotation periods for test (10 min max) and liver alerts (2 hours Max)