The August 2019 update has been posted and ready for download. If you have an active support license run your CSUpdate program in the installation directory, or Click Here to download and install the latest Updater. For stations without an active support license contact your supplier or Arctic Palm Sales to activate your support license.
The Update Module will verify your support license, check for updates. If updates are available, the Updater will backup your existing version then download and install the latest updates.
Featured Updates in this Release
Center Stage Live
Data Casting with Center Stage Live
Data Casting: Posting Program Associated Data to RDS\RBDS Encoders, HD Radio, The Artist Experience, DAB/DRM, DTS Connected Radio (DTS Hybrid Radio), Web Sites, Streaming Services, Web Services such as, QUU, TuneIn, etc.
Support for QUU and
CSRDS has been modified to support artwork, Run of Schedule and Companion campaigns from QUU. To activate your QUU subscription in CSRDS, enter your credentials (See How To). Once entered CSRDS will use your now playing information to capture album art or artist images from QUU. As the artwork is captured CSRDS will also capture and schedule QUU campaigns into the data casting process. If desired, stations can schedule their message and images in QUU, using CSScheduler or both.
Since CSRDS captures artwork from multiple sources. depending on the configuration the priority is as follows:
1. Station Assigned artwork from CSScheduler Image Scheduling to override QUU or DTS assigned artwork.
2. Artwork assigned to Informational, promotional or commercial messages in CSScheduler or QUU
3. If not assigned artwork, as a paid service the artwork captured from QUU will be used
4. As a Free Service – if artwork is not available from QUU the artwork from DTS Connected Radio is used
5. If artwork is not returned from wither QUU or DTS Connected Radio and past artwork is available for this event, that artwork will be used
6. If no artwork is available from any source and a day parted logo has been scheduled in CSScheduler the active logo will be used.
7. If no artwork or scheduled logos the default station logo will be used.
Run of Schedule campaigns scheduled in CSScheduler or QUU will normally be rotated into the displays when songs are not playing. CSRDS has an option to rotate these events with songs but this can cause problems for the stations web site, streaming and sound exchange reporting. It is also considered a distraction to drivers, especially if trying to rotate client logos with artwork into the display. This is NOT RECOMMENDED.
QUU companion messages are linked to a specific event based in the Cart/Cut ID, CSscheduler companion messages may be linked in Event ID, information in the artist or title field or based on a category. Either way a companion message will be linked to the on-are event and triggered when that event airs.
Tonio requires an FTP upload of the metadata and we have included a special Tonio template to update now playing data to Tonio via FTP. Just enter your Tonio credentials in the FTP URL area and select the Tonio.txt file as the template.
DTS and QUU Image Scheduling
IF QUU or DTS Connected Radio cannot find a match for the artist/title it may be due to the way the artist name or title are received. We may also want to replace a specific image with one of our own. We can use the CSScheduler Image Schedule function to accomplish this. We simply select the event from the captured data, change the artist/title info and use a QUU or DTS search to find a missing image or use the browse command to select our own image. If we assign our own image it will override images from QUU or DTS. Search images will only be used if an image is not returned.
1. The modified Artist and Title information in the captured artwork database will NOT replace the artist and title informaiton from the automaton system.
2. Artwork can be copyrighted material and it is the stations responsibility to ensure they have the necessary rights to use the selected artwork for their data casting processes. Just because you have album art on your stream does not mean it can be downloaded and used on HD.
Static/Logo Scheduler
To avoid issues with HD Radio and Logos the Static/Logo process has been altered to treat the day parted logo as artwork instead of a logo. As noted in the CSRDS Artwork section, if we do not have assigned artwork for the current event, CSRDS will send the active day parted logo and static message. To send these logos to the HD system you will need to add the Artwork Data Service Name to the JMSAC settings in CSRDS.
Due to issues with networks and communications with encoders we have added a user definable command delay option to increase the delay between encoder commands. In some cases, the Radio text command was issued before the Dynamic PS command was processed by the encoder. This option allows the user to extend the delay from 50ms up to 3 seconds.