The April 2016 update has been posted and ready for download. If you have an active support license run your CSUpdate program in the installation directory, or Click Here to download and install the latest Updater. For stations without an active support license contact your supplier or Arctic Palm Sales to activate your support license.
The Update Module will verify your support license, check for updates. If updates are available, the Updater will backup your existing version then download and install the latest updates.
Featured Updates in this Release
Center Stage Live
Data Casting with Center Stage Live
Data Casting: Posting Program Associated Data to RDS\RBDS Encoders, HD Radio, The Artist Experience, DAB/DRM, SlideShow, Web Sites, Streaming Services, Web Services such as TagStation/NextRadio, TuneIn, etc.
Public Radio Metadata
CSPRM is used to schedule metadata from Public Radio Satellite System (PRSS) MetaPub Service. Current programs include Classical 24, Morning Edition, Morning Edition Saturday, Morning Edition Sunday and All things Considered. As new programs are added to MetaPub they can be added to CSPRM. During the scheduled periods CSPRM will capture the now playing information along with the artwork for the selected program and post the information to the various Data Casting Devices and services.
Schedules can also be set for “Time Shifting” to join programs already in progress, for Time Zone changes or delayed programming.
Commercial PAD for HD
The Extended Data Content (EDC) option in CSScheduler has been expanded to include all of the Commercial PAD data for product, price, delivery method, URL link, etc. as well as artwork for use in The Artist Experience processes. These are “triggered” events to be posted when a specific on-air event is played. EDC events will be pre-staged ensuring the artwork id displayed when the PAD data is displayed.
Station Logo Postings
To ensure station and scheduled logos are delivered to the HD system properly the logos will be re-posted every 5min. This will ensure any new listener or logo changes will be reflected in the HD display.
CSRAS now supports a text file import from Music Master and can be configured to create “triggered” segments by adding “%$%” at the start of each segment. A station defined trigger which matches the song title information from the automation system can then be used to start the metadata log sending now playing information for pre-recorded segments.
Several processing features have been added to support various automation systems. These include:
Persistent Connection – When selected CSRDS will automatically disconnect and re-connect to automation system IP and Serial connections. In systems where the connection is dropped without an error being reported this will re-establish that connection.
IP Buffer Wait: The default “wait” for data to arrive in the IP buffer is 200ms. For most systems this will be fine. However some automation systems may have a delay between next events in which case we can increase the wait time ensuring all data has been captured before processing begins. For Example: When sending next events in Wide Orbit set the IP Buffer Wait to 900ms.
Set Time To Live (TTL) This is used when you need to post the data across multiple IP networks.
Composer Web Link When using CSWeather to capture Now Playing data from MPR’s Composer web link select this option.
Send Music as Promo Some web and satellite feeds do not distinguish between Music and other events and when capturing Now Playing events from a “Talk” format the Now Playing data is a program name and not a song. In this case, select Send Music As Promo in the Tag Station section and the information will be posted to the Tag Station Apps without the Buy Now option.
ZettaLight – Support for RCS’s Zetta Automation system as been added using the ZettaLight format. When using the Zetta system, set the output format to ZettaLight and select ZettaLight in CSRDS.
Due to the increase in the number of supported automation systems and RDS\RBDS encoders the CSRDS properties window is now a little larger to accommodate the
A new “NAV” style Display Simulator has been added showing how various RDS and HD displays will look on the newer large displays available in most new cars. This Simulator will also display the commercial content posted to HD systems using the Artist Experience.
CSWeather now supports a link to the MPR Composer. CSWeather will download the BSN playlist and send it to CSRAS where individual events will be sent to CSRDS based on the playlist schedule. If desired, this information will be captured by one instance of CSRDS and posted to the CSRDS audit file where it can be used for time shifting to another date